Monday, June 29, 2009

HTML5 - Interesting features and improvements

As I couldnt attend Google I/O 2009, I was watching the keynote speech online and learnt few interesting things facts about HTML 5. It is the next version of HTML standards and is currently work in progress. Interestingly most of the leading browsers have incorporated many of the features. Five key features were discussed and they are
1. Geo Location - A new API for locating you (ie your browser).I was awe struck with this idea of a browser being able to identify geo-location and process that information. I was worried about privacy but they promise to not track you without your consent.

2. Video tag - You can embed a video simply by using this "video" tag and you since it is a DOM element, you can manipulate it however you want. It was interesting to see a demo on this

3. Application cache - Google gears uses this standard to store data offline making the weg-apps work offline. This is also a brilliant idea which can make a web-app more attractive.

4. Web Workers - This is like threading in a browser. So if you have any heavy computation on your front-end js, you can fork it out to a new thread so your page doesnt really crash.

5. Canvas - I am not an artist and this didnt really interest me.

Google has been gently pushing developers to adopt HTML5 and make the web a even more better place. Time will tell how fast it gets adopted

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