Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Cloud Computing

Recently I have been coming across this term "cloud computing" more often. 2 weeks ago or so, I read an article at NYT that Microsoft is jumping onto cloud computing by tying up some of the applications in its live portal to Windows. What is cloud computing anywayz ?? Simply put, it is the concept of delivering applications online so as to move away from desktop. If you are using some of the sophisticated applications like the new Yahoo Mail, google docs etc then you are already into cloud computing. This article on cloud computing talks about the arena of Web operating systems available today. WebOS sounds interesting but not sure how practical it could be. In case it penetrates well, what would happen if an outage similar to skype happens ??!! and then there are those privacy concerns as usual. As for me, developing trust in a WebOS takes a lott...


Anonymous said...

How is Cloud computing different from Web 2.0?

Joebi said...

Cloud Computing and Web 2.0 intersect a little bit... but here is wat i guess..

Cloud Computing refers to the shift happening in moving all traditional applns like Word, mail, Excel... into the cloud (Internet). So Gmail or Google docs would be examples of cloud computing.

web 2.0 is more about a user powered internet. Social Networking is an important aspect of Web 2.0 which helps users collaborate and network but Social Networking is not Cloud computing
does that make sense ?